Sheep Competition Judging Timetable

Please find below our judging timetable for the Melbourne Royal Sheep Competition.
Thursday 26 September

Ring 1

South Suffolk: 9:00am

Wiltshire Horn: 9:00am

English Leicester: 9:00am

Lincoln: 9:00am

Shropshire: 9:00am

Southdown: 9:00am

Hampshire Down: 1:00pm


Ring 2

Suffolk: 9:00am

Black & Coloured: 11:00am

White Dorper: 1:00pm

Dorper: 1:00pm

Ring 3

Border Leicester: 9:00am

Corriedale: 9:00am

Valais Blacknose: 1:00pm


Ring 4

Poll Dorset: 9:00am

Texel (Feature Breed): 1:00pm

Sheep and Wool Celebration: 7:00pm

Friday 27 September

All Breeds Interbreed: 9:00am

Schools and Youth Competition: 1:00pm