Meet Bron Ellis, Royal Melbourne Show Sheep Committee Member
23 Apr 2021 / Melbourne Royal Competitions
With years of experience in commercial breeding, Bron established Sweetfield Corriedale Stud, west of Geelong, in 1998. The Stud produces sheep of an excellent standard which have consistently won awards in the show ring over many years.
Bron has been a champion of the Sheep Schools and Youth Competition, a section of the Royal Melbourne Show Sheep Competition, for many years, and as good as she is as a commercial sheep breeder, she is just as good as a mentor for young people in the industry.
Bron assists the up-and-coming sheep and wool experts understand the correct methods of presenting sheep in the Royal Melbourne Show judging ring and what traits to look for when inspecting the sheep.
In 2021 Bron will continue to encourage the next generation to learn about the industry and inspire students to consider pursuing a career in agriculture.
The Royal Melbourne Show Fleece competition showcases the best sheep fleece from across south-east Australia, presenting the varieties and versatilities of the products and industry.
Sheep Fleece Entries are open online from 23 April to 19 July 2021.
The Royal Melbourne Show Sheep Competition celebrates stud breeders of wool, dual-purpose and meat breed sheep. The competition attracts sheep breeders from across Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania; providing an opportunity for producers to network and engage with consumers.
Entries for the 2021 Sheep Competition are open online from 23 May - 23 July.

Meet Bron Ellis, Royal Melbourne Show Sheep Committee Member