Melbourne Showgrounds sets records while working for Victorians

In May the Melbourne Showgrounds Covid Testing Clinic reached an impressive milestone, completing its 250,000th PCR test. The clinic has been operating at the Showgrounds for nearly two years. This is a testament to the flexibility of the Melbourne Showgrounds and Melbourne Royal’s commitment to serving the Victorian community. 

Fast facts:  

In the past 12 months the day that the: 

  • least tests were taken was in June 2021 – 75 tests 
  • most tests were taken was in August 2021 and that was 1458 tests! 

A number of teams have all contributed to the success of this testing site from the cleaning staff, security team, traffic control staff, ADF (in the early days), Your Nursing Agency and right from the very first day, the Department of Health, Western Health and Dorevitch pathology. 

On 23 May 2022, Ana Maria Sedano was presented with a Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award for her tireless and gracious hard work as a cleaner at the Western Health testing clinic at the Showgrounds. Congratulations and thank you Ana Maria!