RASV seeks show bag contributions to its Heritage collection

The RASV Heritage Team oversees a unique collection of artefacts and stories representing the organisation’s rich history, which are often displayed onsite at Melbourne Showgrounds, in online exhibitions and at the Royal Melbourne Show. 

RASV Heritage is currently researching the history of show bags or sample bags, as they were first known and is seeking help from members or Show-goers who may have examples of early sample bags or paper show bags.

Do you have information, photographor advertising about early sample bags, show bag manufacturers and sellers or show bag stands at the Royal Melbourne Show?

If you can assist with this projectwe’d love to hear from you.

Recently RASV Heritage acquired two beautiful advertising posters promoting the Royal Melbourne Show in 1957 and 1958These railway posters will be conserved before being put on display.


Royal Melbourne Show, 1957

Royal Melbourne Show, 1957

Royal Melbourne Show, 1957 and 1958

Royal Melbourne Show, 1957 and 1958

RASV continually seeks contributions to its Heritage collection and invites anyone who may have objects and information related to RASV and the Royal Melbourne Show to contact RASV Heritage.

Please contact the Heritage Team at heritage@rasv.com.au or on phone 03 9281 7444 to share your knowledge of showbags or to contribute to the RASV’s collection.