Emerging Youth up for the challenge
11 Mar 2022 / Agriculture

The Victorian Final of the Australian Young Farmers Challenge is being held at Farm World 2022, on 25 March and you can be there to watch and cheer on our young farmers.
Proudly presented by Melbourne Royal’s Emerging Leaders at Lardner Park, the Victorian Final of The Australian Young Farmers Challenge will have participants from different parts of regional Victoria, each with four members that must include both young men and young women.
The teams compete in a series of typical agricultural events, including anything from animal handling to fencing, operating tractors and machinery, firefighting, first aid, heavy lifting, and transport challenges.
The winning team will represent Victoria at the National Final, at the Sydney Royal Easter Show in April 2022.
You are encouraged to come and support our young farmers at Lardner Park on March 25th. Tickets are available for purchase at https://lardnerpark.com.au/event/farm-world/2022-03-24/.
Melbourne Royal is a proud sponsor of Farm World 2022.
Also at Farm World in 2022, the Emerging Leaders Group will present Agri Chat, a quarterly mini-conference hosting speakers from Australia and around the world, created to promote frank and enlightening discussion about new and industry-leading ideas in agriculture. Agri Chat will be held live for the first time at Farm World in 2022 (last year’s Chat was also held online), and Emerging Leaders Group Vice Chair Tom Havers will M.C a Chat about young people and routes into Dairy.
The Melbourne Royal Emerging Leaders Group is a new committee of eight agri-professionals aged 18-35 who are making a valuable contribution to agriculture. Melbourne Royal is thrilled to provide a platform for these young entrepreneurs to network, cultivate events, and promote their industry and ideas. Find out more about the group on the Melbourne Royal website.
Farm World is one of the largest rural agricultural shows in the State, and provides a platform to showcase the best of agribusiness, the latest in technology, equipment, and information and is an ideal opportunity to get up close and chat with the experts. Held at Lardner Park, Farm World provides the best in ag entertainment, including the opportunity to get up-close with animals, and the latest in ag machinery.
Melbourne Royal is committed to providing platforms for young agri-professionals. If you or someone you know wants to get involved, forward this email and follow Melbourne Royal on social media using the links below.
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