2025 Melbourne Royal All Breeds Championship Show and Action Dog Judges
ntries for the 2025 Melbourne Royal All Breeds Championship Show open on Wednesday 28 May 2025. Start planning now so you don't miss the opportunity to have your dogs judged by top international judges.
The 2025 Melbourne Royal Show will take place from Thursday 25 September to Sunday 5 October at Melbourne Showgrounds.

Group 1B (Italian Greyhound)
Group 3A (Cocker Spaniel)
Group 4 (Breeds & Group Specials)
Group 6B (Balance of Breeds & Group Specials)
Attila Czegledi is respected internationally, both as an exhibitor and All Rounder Judge, and as a Gundog and Hound Specialist.
Attila bred English Cocker Spaniels for many years and has been a selfless supporter of Spaniel breeding in Hungary. He is former President of the Hungarian Spaniel Breeders Association. 30 famous European and/or World Winner Cocker Spaniels can be linked to his name whether as groomer, breeder and/or handler. More recently, has bred and owned Whippets with considerable success over several generations. Attila has run Spaniel Grooming Workshops in seven countries.
Attila’s judging career began some 32 years ago. He has now judged in more than 52 countries, across five continents, including the very prestigious European Section and World Dog Shows. He has visited many countries of Europe, North and South America and Australia.
Attila is also involved in the training of Hungarian Judges. He has run an 80 hour “Complex Cynology” course for over 28 years now, with the aim to raise the quality of Hungarian Cynology generally. Attila works with the Hungarian Kennel Club in judges training, examinations and as a mentor.
Attila works as a Speech Therapist and teaches Psychology part time at the University in Budapest.
Attila Czegledi is a real dog man. He is renowned for his dedication to his sport, together with the respect he provides and earns in his ring. Attila has visited Australia three times, with his last visit being seven years ago to Darwin and Perth. Melbourne Royal welcomes Attila and is confident he will prove a most valuable member of the 2025 judging panel.

Group 1A (Affenpinscher, Miniature Pinscher, Pomeranian)
Group 2A (American Hairless Terrier)
Group 3B (Italian Spinone)
Group 5 (Breeds & Group Specials)
Group 6A (Bullmastiff, Samoyed)
Group 7A (Great Dane, Schipperke)
Peter was born in Vienna, Austria. His family always had dogs, with his parents initially breeding Dobermanns and Flat Coated Retrievers to the present day. In 1980 Peter obtained his first dog of his own, a Dobermann, which he exhibited. Two English Setters followed, with Peter competing in the show ring and also field trials during his years at University.
Post university Peter balanced his professional life with selectively breeding Labrador Retrievers and along with his wife they bred Italian Spinone and Pugs. Peter currently owns an Italian Spinone and two Pugs.
Peters judging career commenced in the 90’s and he obtained his All-Rounder Status in 2021. Peter has awarded CCs in the United Kingdom for Bullmastiffs, Italian Spinone, Irish Setters and Labrador Retrievers. His judging has taken him across several continents, with many prestigious appointments along the way. This has included four World Dog Show appointments, Paris, Brno, Geneva and Zagreb.
Peter has also great experience in dog related administration. He has been Show Manager and President of the Austrian Retriever Club for 15 years, co-founder and President of the Junior Handling Club of Austria and President of the FCI Commission for Retrievers. He was also co-founder and President of the Austrian Spinone and Bracco Italiano Club. Importantly, Peter is also involved in ringcraft training and the training of Trainee Judges in Austria, thus giving back to his sport in a very practical way.
Peter holds a hunting permit and has supplemented his knowledge by obtaining a falconry license in 2018. Peter is fluent in English, German and French. His last trip to Victoria was in 2017 to Sunbury Canine Club, and he officiated at the Spring Fair in NSW 2023.
Melbourne Royal is excited to welcome Peter, a connoisseur of Gundog breeds, and a professional, well regarded All Rounder, to join our 2025 judging panel.

Group 3D (Balance of Breeds & Group Specials)
Group 7B (Balance of Breeds and Group Specials)
Paul began in the world of dogs and dog shows when he was aged 16 in Dublin. The first breed he was involved with and exhibited were Irish Setters. Paul first became involved in Miniature Schnauzers in 1988, whilst handling dogs for friends and he became a co-owner in 1989.
Paul has owned and co-owned many Champions in Ireland, including an Irish Kennel Club Dog of the Year and 5 All Breed Best in Show winners. He has also owned/co-owned and campaigned 3 Champions in the UK with three Crufts BOB wins, including a Group 2 at Crufts. His Miniature Schnauzer male took Best in Show at the most important show of the year in Ireland, the IKC Celtic Winners show and was the Top FCI Group 2 dog in Ireland for three years straight.
Paul’s judging career began in 1986, at smaller shows in Ireland, and he awarded his first Green Stars to Irish Setters in 1986. He is now qualified to judge 7 FCI Groups and Best In Show under the FCI system. Paul has judged widely across Ireland, together with Spain, USA, Iceland, Holland, Poland, Austria, Portugal, Norway, Finland, UK, Luxembourg, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, Germany, Italy and Estonia.
Paul was a founding member of the Miniature Schnauzer Club of Ireland and served as Chairman of the club for almost 20 years. He was also the founder of the Junior Handlers Association of Ireland as a teenager and has served as both President and Vice President of the JHAI. Paul was elected to the position of Honorary Show Secretary for the Portadown Canine Club in Northern Ireland for the annual All Breed Championship show for six years and was the club’s Irish Kennel Club delegate for that time and he has previously been Club Secretary for the Swords and District Canine Society in Dublin.
He was elected to serve on the IKC Judges and Education Committee in 2018 and is currently in his sixth year serving the committee and has been Vice Chair on the committee as well as being Show Secretary for the Cloghran All Breed Championship show 2024 run by the J and E Committee. He is currently the representative for The Schnauzer Club of Ireland at the Irish Kennel Club Council meetings.
Paul is a dog show journalist and photographer and owner of the Our Dogs Ireland publication and also contributes to the UK publication Our Dogs. Paul is renowned for his outstanding ring manner and approach to both dogs and handlers. Melbourne Royal welcomes Paul on his very first visit to Australia.

Group 1C (Balance of Breeds & Group Specials)
Group 2B (Balance of Breeds & Group Specials)
Group 3C (English Setter, German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer, Hungarian Vizsla, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Gordon Setter, Irish Setter, Irish Red & White Setter, Pointer)
Ross was born into dogs, being a third-generation breeder, judge and exhibitor. His grandfather, Joe Delmar, established the now famous Shillelagh Kennels in 1945, being one of the most successful terrier kennels in Ireland. Shillelagh specialised in Kerry Blue Terriers, Irish Terriers and Fox Terriers (Smooth). Joe was an All Breeds Judge and judged widely, and Ross’ parents, Sean and Cathy Delmar, continued the Kennel, and are both All Breeds Judges.
It was 40 years ago when Ross first attended a dog show! He has bred dogs himself under the family kennel prefix, specialising in Fox Terriers (Smooth). He has shown, bred and made up Champions in Fox Terriers (Smooth) in Ireland, England, South Africa, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, France, Finland, USA, Denmark and Norway. Ross has won Top Dog All Breeds in Ireland with a Smooth Fox Terrier and his dogs have been awarded Top Terrier on 11 occasions. Ross has also bred, shown and made up Champions in Kerry Blue Terriers in Ireland, England, Denmark, Australia and USA.
Ross began his judging journey in 1998. He is now an FCI judge and awards CACIBS in all breeds in Groups 3, 7, 8 and 9 and is licenced to judge BIS in Ireland. Over the past 20 years Ross has judged widely, gaining wonderful experience at some outstanding events. Ross has judged in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands including the Amsterdam Winners Show, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Croatia, Germany, Estonia, Spain and Portugal. He has also had the pleasure to judge several terrier specialties, including specialties for Fox Terriers and Kerry Blue Terriers.
Ross is a member of the Irish Kennel Club Judges and Education Committee. He has been an Irish Kennel Club Representative for 13 years. Ross is Secretary of the Irish Fox Terrier Club and on the Committee of the Irish Native Breeds Club and the Dublin Irish Blue Terrier Club. Ross was a foundation member of the Junior Handlers Association of Ireland.
Melbourne Royal is thrilled to have secured the services of Ross Delmar. He was born into dogs, has experienced great success with his breeding and exhibiting, and for the last 20 years he has proven himself as a judge widely across the Northern Hemisphere. This will be Ross’ first trip to Australia and we hope he will enjoy the challenge of judging our dogs.
2025 JUDGE

Sweepstakes Classes
Sue has been associated with the dog world and a strong advocate for purebred dogs for over 60 years. Dogs have been in Sue’s life since she was 5, when her grandparents bought the family their first show dog - a Beagle. Sue’s great grandparents migrated from UK to NZ where both were judges. Sue is a 4th generation dog exhibitor. She grew up showing different breeds - Toys, Terriers, Hounds and Gundogs for her parents and grandparents with great success.
Sue imported dogs from the UK and NZ and exported to UK, USA, Asia, NZ and Europe. Her well-known beagle prefix “Nangunyah” began in 1961 with her parents, and Sue joined them in 1977. She had outstanding success in the showring with her Beagles winning her first best in show at All Breeds level in 1979 with a UK import from the famous “Dialynne” Kennels in the UK. This continued throughout the next 40 years with many best in show awards at all breeds and specialty shows, including Puppy in Show at both Melbourne and Adelaide Royal Shows.
Over the years, Sue has also shown English Springer Spaniels, Dobermanns and Dachshunds but her main love has always been the Beagle. The Nangunyah Beagle prefix bred over 100 champions in various countries.
Sue began judging in 1980 and became an All-Breeds Judge in 2014. She has judged in USA, UK, Poland, Denmark, Thailand, China, South Korea, New Zealand, Croatia, Ireland, Germany, Philippines, Czech Republic, South Africa, Israel, Finland, Austria, Slovenia, Japan and Canada. She regularly judges in Australia and overseas.
Sue was the Chair of the Conformation Judges Training Committee in NSW for 2022 and 2023, where she could combine her love of education and dogs. Sue retired from teaching in 2021 after 45 years in public education.
Judging highlights would be the invitation to judge the UK Beagle Club, Best in Show at the famous Split Shows in Croatia as well as the US, Asia and various European shows. Sue was given the honour of judging the Hound group at the 2021 Sydney Royal and the 2022 NZ National.
One of Sue’s passions is travelling to new places and discovering more of our beautiful world. She is a keen gardener and loves photography. Sue believes in enjoying life to the maximum and packs a lot into her already busy lifestyle. Sue is honoured to be invited to judge at the 2025 Melbourne Royal Show and we welcome her warmly.

Rally Trial 1
Tania grew up surrounded by dogs, but it wasn’t until 2002, when her parents bought her a German Shepherd puppy that she truly discovered her passion for what would become a lifelong love and hobby. The German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria laid the foundation for her involvement in Conformation, Obedience, and Rally. After owning several German Shepherds, she expanded her horizons into Australian Shepherds, which led her to explore new sports such as Herding, Tracking and Dances with Dogs.
Tania has become deeply involved in many dog clubs, sports, and communities. Over the years she has competed across multiple disciplines, earning over 50 Australian Titles with her dogs.
Driven by a desire to give back to the dog sport community, she pursued her judge’s license and became one of the youngest Rally judges in Victoria. This milestone marked an important chapter in her journey. Alongside judging, she continues to compete, further enriching her experience and connection with dog sports.
Tania has been honoured to judge prestigious events, including the Rally Top Dog competition in Victoria in 2015 and the German Shepherd Nationals in 2019. She has also had the privilege of judging at various interstate events.
Tania would like to wish all competitors the best of luck. She hopes they enjoy every moment with their dogs and remember that the bond they share with their dog is the true victory.

Rally Trial 2
Helen has been active in training dogs in various disciplines for over 49 years. She competed with her Boxer, Gidget, to win first place in both Obedience and Agility at the Boxer Nationals in 2002. She has trialled her German Shorthaired Pointer, Star to Masters Titles in ANKC Agility, Jumping and Agility Games and her ADAA Agility Champion Title. She has trialled her own and other peoples’ dogs in Obedience and Agility gaining many titles including an ANKC Agility Champion.
Helen was a member of Dogs NSW for over 42 years, becoming a Life Member of the Utility Dog Club. She was also a Founding member of the Hawkesbury Dog Agility club. She has held the positions of Show Secretary, Trial Secretary, Treasurer and Instructor for various clubs throughout NSW.
Helen’s first taste of judging was when she became an accredited Junior Handler judge where she enjoyed judging and helping the younger members.
It was when she moved to Victoria over 7 years ago that Helen developed her passion for Rally. With the help of a good instructor, she was able to train and trial her Kelpie, Woody, to achieve his Rally Championship Title. Helen absolutely enjoys designing courses and judging Rally.
Helen has judged at many Rally Trials including Victorian Dog of the Year Rally Trials, various Breed Specialties and the German Shepherd Dog Club’s State Breed Exhibition Rally Trial.
Helen is delighted to judge Rally at the 2025 Melbourne Royal Show. She is looking forward to sharing her day with competitors and wishes everyone the best of luck. Enjoy and have fun.

Obedience Trial
Maribeth’s love of animals, in particular dogs, stems back to her grandfather, who raised Beagles and English Setters (which competed quite successfully in Field Trials). This passion for animals also led to her career choice as a Veterinary Surgeon. Upon graduation from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (USA) in 1990, she emigrated to Australia.
Maribeth has trained a number of dogs in multiple sports over the years-Tracking, Track and Search, Obedience, Rally and Scent work. She continues to compete successfully in several sports with her three Miniature Dachshunds. She shares the joy of trialling by holding regular Rally training sessions at her local club.
Through the encouragement of several people from her local clubs, East Gippsland DOC (Sale) and Gippsland ODC (Morwell), Maribeth became a Rally judge. She has enjoyed judging appointments around Victoria and in NSW and has also mentored a Rally Trainee judge.
She was honoured to have judged Rally at the 2023 Melbourne Royal. Maribeth decided to further her judging experience by pursuing her Obedience licences which were finalised in 2023 with the successful completion of both UD and UDX.
Maribeth loves the challenge of Obedience, which encourages a strong bond between handler and dog. She considers it a great honour and privilege to be judging at such a prestigious event and looks forward to judging some talented Obedience dogs at the 2025 Melbourne Royal Show.

Agility & Agility Games Trial
Simone was drawn to competing in Agility around 1994 after learning about the dog world through showing her first Border Collie. During the last 20 years she has competed overseas at multiple World Agility Opens and at events in the UK as well as competing at ANKC Nationals since 2005.
Simone has been owned by the Border Collie breed for the last 30 years but has been fortunate enough to run a number of different breeds and crossbreeds across the different heights including Terriers, Pointers and Shelties. Her current competition dogs are two girls (Diaz and Scully) aged 5 and 2 who keep her busy and enervated with their training and conditioning. She lives in Byford, Western Australia with her partner and three Border Collies - including Colt, the retiree, who is 13 years old.
Simone became a Judge in 2015 after experiencing international competition and wanting to contribute back to the Agility community. Her judging appointments have included Agility Nationals in Victoria, State Titles in WA, ACT and Queensland, Adelaide Royal, Sydney Royal, Perth Royals, the Western Classic and multiple interstate Club Trials.
Simone tells us it's an absolute pleasure to be invited to judge at the Melbourne Royal and she looks forward to presenting exhibitors with challenging, fast flowing and fun to run courses that dogs and handlers enjoy.